Archive / Bedroom Aids

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Autism Sleep Problems

There’s a saying in the autism world – “If you’ve met one autistic person, then you’ve met one autistic person”. Autism is, as we know, a spectrum, and on it lies innumerable facets of difference and similarity in comparison to not only the neurotypical, but the autistic alike. You may never know if you have […]

Sleep Aids and Bedroom Essentials for Disabled People

Sleep aids and top tips for a good night’s sleep Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for the wellbeing of us all, and we understand that living with a disability can often make having a truly restful night very difficult to achieve. We know it can be frustrating and demoralising when you are denied […]

Liverpool Mi Smarthouse

Liverpool Mi Smarthouse At the Museum of Liverpool there’s a small, unassuming exhibition which looks like the recreation of a normal house. When you get inside you realise it has been setup with every possible gadget and gizmo to support independence. The Mi Smarthouse is a project put together by More Independent (Mi). More Independent […]