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Top Four Packaging Openers and Safety Cutters

Top Packaging Openers and Safety Cutters   Using a purpose made safety cutter makes opening those eagerly awaited mail order products so much quicker and safer! We’re buying more online than ever before and with online shopping comes box after box of not always well-wrapped goodies. Getting packages open is not easy at the best […]

S’Up Spoon Kickstarter Campaign

S’Up Spoon Supporting Inclusive and Independent Dining S’Up Spoon is a new and innovative assistive eating aid to help people with a movement disorder. Check out their Kickstarter campaign! Inclusive and design for all practices are at the heart of everything we do and we like to support products that offer the same. S’Up Spoon […]

Liverpool Mi Smarthouse

Liverpool Mi Smarthouse At the Museum of Liverpool there’s a small, unassuming exhibition which looks like the recreation of a normal house. When you get inside you realise it has been setup with every possible gadget and gizmo to support independence. The Mi Smarthouse is a project put together by More Independent (Mi). More Independent […]