Archive / Communication Aids

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Can Alexa be a telecare system to listen out when you need emergency help?

Could Amazon’s Alexa disrupt the telecare industry? If you need help and can’t reach a phone, Amazon’s Alexa could be a lifeline. Amazon’s hands-free devices are becoming more and more popular for disabled people who are finding them a boon for enhancing daily life, with an easy interface and voice control of music, books, information  and […]

How will Google Glass help Disabled People?

Google Glass is a game changing technology that we will look back to and wonder how we did without it, like we do with mobile phones and WiFi! New developments design for mainstream usage are in fact becoming more inclusive and giving more options for people living with disabilities. Google Glass is one such piece […]

Liverpool Mi Smarthouse

Liverpool Mi Smarthouse At the Museum of Liverpool there’s a small, unassuming exhibition which looks like the recreation of a normal house. When you get inside you realise it has been setup with every possible gadget and gizmo to support independence. The Mi Smarthouse is a project put together by More Independent (Mi). More Independent […]