Tag Archives: stroke

Easy Belts – velcro fastening belts that are easy to undo

Easy Belts with a velcro fastening When you’re dressing yourself, one particular complication can be fasteners. Whether you have poor manual dexterity or the use of only one hand, it can be virtually impossible, for instance, to fasten the buckles on your belts. Or you might be able to manage the buckle with a struggle, but […]

Essential Items: Handsfree Toothpaste Dispenser

Essential Items: Hands Free Toothpaste Dispenser Have you ever heard of a hands free toothpaste dispenser? Living with disability can present problems you had never thought possible, with daily tasks that you may have once took for granted or never imagined they would be a problem. Whether you live with a disability yourself or are […]

Low-Tech Lifesavers: The Knork

Low-Tech Lifesavers: The Knork The Knork is fast becoming one of the most popular gadgets for those living with disabilities around. If you haven’t heard of it, this is the place to be to find out everything you need to know about the it and its ever expanding range of easy-to-use cutlery. As this tweeter […]