Ingenious Ideas: Bibetta Clothes Protectors, Bibs and Pashminas
Ingenious Ideas: Bibetta Clothes Protectors
The Bibetta range of clothes protectors has recently come to our attention and we think it’s a brilliant product range, which allows for safety, comfort and dignity whilst eating and drinking. The Bibetta range includes both Tabard and Pashmina style clothes protectors which allow the user to feel comfortable and safe whilst eating or drinking, with no risk of spills or damage to clothing or bare skin. Lightweight and easy to put on, the Bibetta range is great for use in the home or whilst out and about and makes eating and drinking in public a less anxious affair, if you live with a disability which effects chewing and swallowing for example. Along with other items like the Hydrant and Liquid Level Indicator, Bibetta Clothes Protectors go along way to ensuring your comfortable and secure whilst dining, as this lady says in a tweet:
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@trabasack @amazon If I needed a clothes protector this is infinitely better than any other-Why did no one think of it b4?!
— Jenzo Pleb Taylor (@Jentay61) May 13, 2013
Tabard Style Clothes Protectors – Functional and Dignified
The Tabard Style Clothes protectors from Bibetta are designed with functionality and comfort in mind. Available in a range of sizes for teenagers and adults and made from strong, long-lasting materials. To aid with eating and drinking the tabards are 100% waterproof, almost impossible to stain and can be popped into the washing machine and tumble dryer and remain in perfect condition. They’re soft, flexible and easy to wear and their durability means they last a lot longer than traditional clothes protecting bibs.
As the photo shows, the product is designed with an over-the-shoulder shape which means they look much more like a tabard than a traditional bib, just without the back so easy to put on and take off. This makes a change from traditional bibs which can look uncomfortable and less dignified. Their ergonomically shaped design at the front allows for completely free arm movement, allowing for easy access to drinks and food. Made from flexible Neoprene, the tabards are easily fold-able and can be stored without difficulty.
Pashmina Style Clothes Protectors – Elegant and Practical
As the photo shows clearly, these Pashmina Style Clothes Protectors offer a completely discrete and dignified solution for avoiding drips and spills onto clothes, keeping them entirely clean. It combines the fashionable elegance of an attractive scarf with the functional protection you may need from a bib. The pashmina is designed with style and dignity in mind and comes in a range of colours to complement any outfit beautifully. It’s made from a soft and luxurious feeling silk-like fabric which adds to its attractiveness and the front is absorbent, keeping away moisture from the skin and allowing for more comfort. It has two further layers, the middle layer is also absorbent whilst the back is waterproof, allowing your skin and clothes to remain completely dry, even if spillage does occur. Like the other products, Bibetta Pashminas are extremely durable despite their delicate appearance and therefore can be machine washed and tumble dried and remain in great condition.
The Bibetta team pride themselves on offering top quality products with durability and dignity at the core of their ethos and both these products deliver that and much more. To find out more and make a purchase, please visit the Disability Horizons Store.
We know wearing a clothes protector can be an awkward social experience and were pleased to see the issue tackled in this blog post from Simon Stevens, an Independent Disability Issues Consultant, Trainer and Activist:
A bib is a covering of the fact worn to protect clothes during mealtimes or from drooling. It is generally seen as something as normally worn by babies but as someone with cerebral palsy, I wear a bib at home all day because of my own drooling. Am I a baby? Not at all, just someone using something I find useful.
10 years ago, bibs for adults were a taboo subject but now I feel that it is more accepted for many disabled people to wear bibs if they wish to do, as well as use a whole range of specialist equipment which were previously less acceptable. I feel this is all due to an improved inclusion of disabled people on their own terms.
People with significant impairments often find things that some regard as babyish as useful to their chosen lifestyle and I am clear the pressure to act normal is less than what it used to be.